高希霸祟高羅伯圖雪茄 2014 限量版
高希霸崇高羅伯圖雪茄2014限量版是一款備受矚目的高端雪茄。 身為古巴雪茄中的佼佼者,高希霸一直以其卓越的品質和獨特的口感吸引著雪茄愛好者的目光。 而這款2014年限量版的羅伯圖雪茄,更是將高希霸的精湛工藝和極致口感發揮到了極致。
這款雪茄採用了經典的羅伯圖尺寸,長度適中,環徑粗壯,展現出一種威武霸氣的姿態。 茄身呈現出深棕色的油潤光澤,用手觸摸可以感受到其緊緻而富有彈性的捲製工藝。 茄標上燙金的「Cohiba Robustos Supremos EL 2014」字樣,彰顯出其限量版的尊貴身分。
在口感方面,這款雪茄堪稱完美。 它散發出濃鬱的香氣,其中夾雜著巧克力、烤堅果和紅辣椒的交融味道,讓人一聞即醉。 點燃後,雪茄的煙霧在口腔中瀰漫開來,帶來一種醇厚而細膩的口感,餘韻悠長,讓人回味無窮。 在品吸過程中,你還可以感受到雪茄燃燒時的均勻和穩定,這得益於其優質的菸葉原料和精湛的捲製工藝。
Cohiba Robustos Supremos Limited Edition Cigar 2014
Cohiba Robustos Supremos Limited Edition Cigar 2014 is a very special and rare cigar from the Cuban Cohiba cigar brand, which is a leader in the cigar world. This cigar not only represents the exquisite craftsmanship of the Cohiba brand, but also demonstrates its in-depth understanding and pursuit of excellence in the art of cigars.
First of all, from the appearance, this cigar has a typical Roberto size, with a thick ring diameter, a shiny body, and a deep color, showing an indescribable dignity and elegance. The limited edition logo on the eggplant label highlights its extraordinary identity, making people feel its uniqueness and preciousness at a glance.
In terms of taste, this cigar performs equally well. It has a rich aroma, and after entering the mouth, you can feel the rich layering and deep taste. The blend of mellow tobacco and various spices makes every puff feel like a feast of taste. Whether it’s the richness in the front, the richness in the middle, or the long aftertaste in the back, it makes people linger.
What’s more worth mentioning is that the packaging of this cigar is also very elegant. The exquisite wooden box packaging not only reflects the noble temperament of the brand, but also ensures the preservation quality of the cigars. The embedding of cedar wood chips adds a unique aroma to the cigar, making the smoking experience even more perfect.
只full box賣
工藝: 手工
規格: 10支精緻木盒
型號: Robustos
產地: 古巴
濃度: 中至濃鬱
尺寸: 長度:127mm 直徑/環徑:58 (23.02mm)
Gāo xī bà suì gāo luó bó tú 2014 xiànliàng bǎn Cohiba Robust

Cigar Shop in Mong Kok

Cigar Shop in Shamshuipo
Address: Shop C G/F, 92 Fuk Wing St., Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong
tag : 雪茄 , cigar , cigar , 雪茄 , cigar , 雪茄 , cohiba , cigar , 雪茄 , cigar , 雪茄 , cohiba , 雪茄 , cigar , cohiba